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Talk is an App which enables us to talk in 117 languages. Using this App, even an illiterate can record his talk and send the same to anyone through WhatsApp, Gmail, Bluethooth etc., He need not write it in any vernacular language and the App is very simple to operate. The process involve
1.       Selecting the language in the list available
2.        Then appears the Mic icon, Tap on it
3.       It gets automatically connected to Google
4.       Required message has to be spoken clearly
5.       Three options appears on the screen
a.       Copy  Text
b.      Send
c.       Clear
In the former case, the message can be stored in clipboard , later it can be pasted  in any of the  messenger.
The Latter one , the message could be sent  & share using intent  through any of the social messengers by clicking on the either of these.
Clear is used to empty the message box after each speech.
